Monday, 22 March 2010

Things 17 & 18 - Wikis & Wikipedia

I have some experience of wikis. I used them as part of my library degree and as a trainee, we had a wiki to share information, although it wasn't very heavily used. I've used the Oxford Web 2.0 & the C&RD wikis before but never edited them. As my library already has a case study on the Web 2.0 wiki, I did some OULS spotting which resulted in me updating some links on the History Faculty Library page.

I find wikis extremely useful for sharing information and it can be easily updated. They're easy to use and much more practical than distributing multiple versions of documents between colleagues. They offer a valuable tool for project work with colleagues.

The other task related to wikis is looking at Wikipedia.
It is a useful resource for getting an quick overview of a subject but obviously the fact that anyone can edit the entries means you should take it with a pinch of salt! The reliability and accuracy of Wikipedia should definitely be questioned and it isn't a reliable source for academic research. I've never looked at the discussion or history pages before. It's very interesting to see how an article has evolved to its current state!

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