Friday, 26 February 2010

Things 7 & 8 - Flickr & Picnik

I've been starting to get pretty behind on my things, so here's an attempt to catch up a bit!!

This week I've been experimenting with photos on Flickr & Picnik. Both seem fairly straightforward to use. Flickr is good for those budding photographers who want to get their images out in the public domain but personally I'm not too keen, it's not really the service for me. Photos I take are more about events and holidays as opposed to photography just for the sake of it. When I want to share my photos, I'm more likely to do it over facebook as the people I'd want to show them to are all on there, none of them are Flickr users. The other thing that I don't like is that I had to create a yahoo ID, yet another username and password!!

Picnik is very user friendly and offers some good free features for photo editing! I had a play around with the images that I'd uploaded to Flickr. As you can see, this is my family dog, Alfie, looking very regal in a crown!

I'd definitely use Picnik again, it's a effective way to edit your photos to give them that professional look. As for Flickr, I'll probably use it browse other people's images but I'm unlikely to upload more of my own.

Friday, 12 February 2010

Things 5 & 6 - Google Reader

One of this week's things was to set up a Google Reader account. I have been using Google Reader for a while now, as it's a good way to keep up to date with new blog plots and online content without having to visit each site individually.
I often find that if I don't keep on top on my reading, there is a mountain of posts to wade through! For this reason, I've weeded out some of the feeds which were making my account unmanageable such as the Guardian Life & Style feed.
My main set of subscriptions are to library blogs, these are really useful for library school and being aware of what's going on in the librarian blogosphere. As Thing 6 suggests, I've added a couple of new feeds, such as India Knight's blog where she shares links and images of cool things she likes! I'm definitely going to try and keep on top of my subscriptions,especially now I've had a good clear up!